Thursday, May 27, 2010

Its HOT!!!!

The weather has turned blistering hot here in PA. My spare time is spent making sure the fish in the pond are alive and making sure everyone in the house is drinking enough water, including the plants.....
Im water woman....
Have you had eight glasses today???

Thursday, May 13, 2010

My New Home

My B and I just bought a new 1890's home, with a gorgeous garden and, I gotta say, it's just US. Almost a year ago, we moved into our first apartment together, which was a major "editing and blending" deal that we both thoroughly enjoyed. Scaling down to things we love and getting rid of the things you keep around, "just in case"
I will actually start posting some pictures. We are in the process of having wood floors refinished, so our life is a bit like camping or living in a space that takes major maneuvers to get around.
Life is really good, though.
We have hoopla. We have dramas, but each night I go to sleep with a smile on my face and each morning I get to wake up next to the man I love..
So there.